Hey, I thought i'd start writing a blog. There's a lot of things that happen in my day to day that I think it would be helpful talking about occasionally. I want to be able to write one a day, but knowing me i'll probably end up forgetting, so if somebody could hold me accountable on instagram then that'd be great, thankyou.
Lately has honestly been a rollercoaster. The reason that some of y'all have probably noticed that I haven't been putting out much content is cause a lot of personal shit recently and its hard for me to get back onto the bandwagon. And tasks like putting out the new sample packs are daunting as fuck and i'm frightened of a bad release. The thought of releasing something that i've put so much work into scares the shit out of me. I think I am just going to work on it this week and in the next two weeks plan on releasing it. I really care about the work I put into this pack. It's by far the best pack i've ever done and I really want everyone to have it! Not just for profit but because i've created a product I really care about and I think it would help lots of musicians out.
Anyway, this is a short one so i'll leave it here. See ya tomorrow.