Sorry I missed a blog post yesterday, got pretty busy. I want to take a very short moment (I'm tired) to talk about hapiness.
I feel like I actually know a thing or two about hapiness. Because being genuinely happy doesn't mean being in a great mood all the time. Shit happens. Life happens. Sometimes there's nothing we can do about it. But being happy is having hope that things are ok, the world is still spinning, that despite the wind taking your roof off, you still have the rest of the house as a solid foundation to rebuild on that hapiness. True happiness is having a solid foundation that won't break easily. It may shake and the buildings above it may crumble but you need to have that initial foundation.
How do you get there? People think they need more things in their life to be happy. 'oh, if only I had a girlfriend. If only I was skinnier. If only I wasn't so poor. If only my parents were nicer to me'. People say these things and believe that not having them is the reason they are unhappy. But the harsh and honest truth is that we need to LOSE things, to let go of things holding us back, to be happy.
I had a friendship group I wasn't happy with and I had a job that I wasn't excited about. I stopped seeing those friends. I quit my job. I now have a lot less friends and a lot less money. I am less comfortable than I was, less stable. But FUCK I AM HAPPY. shit happens. I've had a rough few weeks. But fuck I'm happy as shit underneath. I gave up the things holding me back and only then did that allow me to be happy. I gave up the things I was attactched to. I spent more time alone. Went out less. Haven't been to a party in 2 years. I spend all my time in my bedroom working on music and I'm happy as hell.
All I'm saying is for you to truly find your bedrock of happiness, to lay down your foundations, you have to get rid of the stones in the ground first because they will hold you back. Otherwise, you will build your house of hapiness on rocky foundations and it will lead to nothing but sadness. If you become rich without facing the things that make you unhappy, you will always be unhappy. But if you become rich having faced the things that hurt you, that stop you from being happy, then you will stay happy. Your foundations are strong.
You have to level the ground to build a road. Which technically isn't true and it's a terrible analogy, but I'm tired as hell and I just need to sleep right now, its nearly 2 in the morning so I'm sorry for the awful metaphor. If any of y'all think of anything that actually makes sense feel free to tell me. But yeah that's a little rant about hapiness. I'm lucky to be happy