Have your life according to who you want to be, not who you are

You're not perfect. Nobody is. And I'm assuming you're a producer who wants to be successful. You go out drinking at the pub every few nights with your friends who all work 9-5's and don't have any real aspirations, you work a job that allows you very little free time, you eat shitty food. You are on super low energy. You spend your money going out to eat and on meaningless clothes and stuff that makes you feel good in the short term. And then for 2-3 hours a day, you sit down at your computer, trying to produce, wondering why you haven't made much progress. 

Who are you? And who do you want to be? 

This is where you come in. Think of it as climbing a mountain- kind of a cliche overused example, but i'll go with it. You can't climb a steep mountain with weights tied to your feet. So untie the weights. I don't have to tell you what those weights are because when I talk about something holding you back, something probably came to mind. It could be toxic or negative friends, a negative family, a job that isn't giving you the time you need or the mindspace, a certain mindset or way of thinking...

And this is much easier said than done, don't get me wrong. But if you want this so badly, then you'll do it. You have to do it. Or you'll regret not doing it later on down the road when you're still friends with the people holding you back, going out drinking in the same town in the same pub when you're 50. Get it into perspective. Please, I wanna see whoever is reading this to become successful!

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