You Don't Really Exist For More Than 3-8 Seconds.

'Do or do not, there is no try'. You probably recognise that as a Yoda quote, which it is, but... what does this really mean? Well its easy to forget when you're in the middle of watching a star wars film, but this actually sums up exactly what you are, who you are. Who do you think you are? What is your perception of yourself? What kind of a human being are you, what kind of things do you like to do? Now- what have you done today? I watched a video by 'Better Ideas', which I very highly recommend...

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This is a massive topic that I could spend ages on but I'll just say a few things. First off, go watch's video on how we stop ourselves from being happy. It's an insanely interesting that fundamentally explores parts of our brain and our minds that we ourselves never dare venture. The general premise is that if I asked you if you wanted to be happy, chances are you'd say 'of course!'. Then if I asked you if you wanted to be happy all the time, no matter what, just unconditional happiness, you'd also be like 'yes!'. But if...

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Have your life according to who you want to be, not who you are

You're not perfect. Nobody is. And I'm assuming you're a producer who wants to be successful. You go out drinking at the pub every few nights with your friends who all work 9-5's and don't have any real aspirations, you work a job that allows you very little free time, you eat shitty food. You are on super low energy. You spend your money going out to eat and on meaningless clothes and stuff that makes you feel good in the short term. And then for 2-3 hours a day, you sit down at your computer, trying to produce, wondering...

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There is only one thing I know, and that is I know nothing.

Humility. It's something that all of us are much worse at than we think we are. We are creatures who feed on our own egos, and to a certain extent that is healthy- our ego is a confusing beast that has barely been tapped, our own knowledge of our own existence. But to believe you know everything about something will destroy your ability to learn. This seems quite obvious for most of you, I'm sure. You're probably wondering why I'm bothering to write a blog post about this. But understand that at some point in your life, you are likely...

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Sorry I missed a blog post yesterday, got pretty busy. I want to take a very short moment (I'm tired) to talk about hapiness.  I feel like I actually know a thing or two about hapiness. Because being genuinely happy doesn't mean being in a great mood all the time. Shit happens. Life happens. Sometimes there's nothing we can do about it. But being happy is having hope that things are ok, the world is still spinning, that despite the wind taking your roof off, you still have the rest of the house as a solid foundation to rebuild on...

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